The honest truth is that most people out there aren’t going to know who you are unless you SHOW them. When you're interested in your own business, like a direct sales or multi-level marketing (MLM) company, this means that you are going to want to explore true techniques and tips related directly to that company, while encompassing the world of customer engagement and professionalism. Not sure what that looks like? Let me give you a hint - it starts and ends with branding.
Branding shows people who you are
Those who want to work with you are going to want to know that you are who they think you are. This is why branding is so essential. There are tips and techniques to it, as you’ll learn below, but the important thing to know here is that branding is going to be what shows people who you are, in particular. And remember, people do business with who they know like and trust. They don't buy in because of the direct sales company, they essentially buy YOU!
Focus on you, not your company
Whether you’re in a direct sales (MLM) company (or even a small to mid-sized business) many people make the assumption that branding your company is more you branding what your company is or does. True, your company is a part of your identity, but ironically, it is a little bigger than that.
What customers are going to come to love and trust, is you. As in, you, specifically, as a person. After all, they don’t care about the colors of the direct sales business, their sales and stats, but they want to know about you and your story. They want to engage with your story, your thoughts, your emotions, and more. They will form a connection with those things.
That’s why your branding should follow suit. Allow your techniques and focus to fall into place to put yourself forward as the brand. It doesn’t matter how good your company’s branding is, because if a customer can’t see a human connection, they’re not going to trust it and it won’t be effective.
Branding helps make you memorable
Even with all of the perfect details in place and a personal flair and focus, you still have to make sure that you’re showing off the right image. The competition is using many of the same techniques, after all. Your branded direct sales / MLM business is going to help you rise above them, the right way, and earn the respect of those that are looking for your product and/or support.
In this same line of thought, you’ll also find that branding is going to bring more customers your way, a lot of which is going to help you not only enjoy great customers but also ones that are going to send really good referrals your way which gives you a steady pool of customers.
Keep in mind that when you are in direct sales, that even in a saturated market, you can set yourself apart from the crowd. Think about it, what is the one thing that can do that? YOU. It isn't that you have a better product, better logo, better website, better commission, better hostess specials unless YOU brand YOU and you make it different.
Branding shows consistency
Another thing that can set you apart from the competition is your focus on consistency. When you are branding yourself properly, you’ll be promoting how professional you are as well as how consistent and dedicated you are to doing things the right way. This is one of those intangible details, but essential nonetheless.
Is there a lot of detail to direct sales branding? Yes, but you’re going to be able to really enjoy a great head start over your competition by focusing on the importance of branding and what it’ll do for your customers and team in the short- and long-term.
Need help getting started on branding your business
The first thing you can do is check out my 5 Tips for Branding your Business and if you still need help be sure to check out my Visual Branding Bootcamp or just contact me for a discovery call and let me see where you are and how I can help.
